Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The Best Made Plans….

By the purest co-incidence, as soon as I committed myself to making frequent observations on the state of the Gun Control controversy, the Ottawa well went bone dry.

I have it from an impeccable source that our steely-eyed dictator has forbidden the uttering of the word “GUN” on “the hill”. If that be so, one is left to wonder why?

Today’s Throne Speech, or rather the opposition’s reaction to it, may make me a liar but I doubt that the government will fall. Now, if Stephen Harper was determined to abolish the long gun registry for starters it would obviously be the right time to introduce a Bill to that effect and dare Dion & Layton to jump into the ring, knowing full well that they would do no such thing.

The latest poll results, especially Nik Nanos’ indicate that Herr Harper desperately needs a big block of supporters to step forward otherwise he is going to end up, at best, with another minority government. If that happens he will no doubt get a “Dear John (Diefenbaker) letter” and go back to counting pennies.

But if he has been given a Mafia style warning to obey the UN and abolish ALL civilian ownership of small arms, we must see that he is fired as a warning to all the socialist/internationists in Ottawa. Couple this possibility of an authority (UN) higher than our Parliament issuing orders, with secondly the recently signed deal authorizing the U.S. to send troops across our border in case of “Civil Unrest” and finally, the discussions on forming the S.P.P. and you can get in line for your very own leg shackles.

Should we spell “Minutemen” the same way as the Yanks did in 1773?

I do not intend to end my days in slavery, sold out by a nation of cowards.

How about you?

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