Monday, December 24, 2007

A Pretty Flower – but Mean!

Morning Glory is so pretty a name for a creeping insidious vine,
And ‘Right Honourable’ is too high a salute for a man whose talent is lyin’.
There’s been too many falsehoods spoken by St. Stephen on the Mount.
Promises made….. then broken, deceptions out of count.

So we give our final warning to a man we cannot trust,
He needs to get this message before we make the break we must.
We’ll plant seeds of Pomoea Indicta in the Ridings all around,
Let Indicta rumble deep in our “gardens”, let politicos fear the sound.

Once the seeds and roots are planted they won’t rid themselves of this pest,
So the threat is there – let the PM beware or we’ll force him out of his nest.

Firearms are not the problem it’s the criminals he must pursue,
And we may need those guns for protection if he wont do what he must do!
If our warning goes unheeded we will take pencil into hand,
And mark an ‘X’ where it will do the most good, to show him how we stand.

We advocate block voting, because that is Stephen’s way,
See him shovel out cash by the bucket, to Kweebek or Indian or gay.
“So, we repeat the warning, Stephen, it will be your ox that’s gored,
When we prove at the polls that our pencils ARE mightier than your sword!”

In case our P.M. doesn’t know where the 15% of support went to - he should
look closely - because there’s more departing every day.

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